We got the first season of Little House on the Prairie for Christmas this year. It's AMAZING to watch it with the kids...oh how they ask questions! We just finished the first disk. Here are some of the questions and comments they've had.
1. don't they have like that texting thing...why do they have to write letters...where's the phones?
2. They drink CREEK WATER! GROSS!
3. Why don't they just use a combine?
4.Why do they take their hats off in the house?
5. why does Charles have to walk to get work?
6. They have to go to church at school! HAHAHAHAHAHA
Why do I long for farm life? For chickens and egg collecting, for horses and a garden? Why does my mind constantly day dream of huge oak trees, and apples, long grass, wild flowers and canola out my kitchen window? Why do I dream of walking up the long driveway with my huge chocolate lab running in front of me, to get the kids off the school bus? Why do I long to work in my kitchen making jam and pickles, and dainty jars of home grown canning...Why? Why do we long for what we can not have?
As a look out my window at the "for sale" sign frozen in the ground, at the winter wind blowing at at nippy -30, I long, and dream, and hope and pray...
One day...one day....
Oh Lord please help me to be patient, and to see your divine timing in my life. Help me to find contentment in where I am. Help me to understand that you see the entire picture and know what's best. I don't want to lose time in the city while waiting for the country. I wait for you Lord...