This evening seemed a little chaotic. Kaehli my oldest was very over tired from a sleep over at a friends the night before so she was short and snappy and grouchy with all of us. This lead to other short and snappy children. Which lead to a short and snappy mommy and daddy. Tory struggled with a sinus cold all day and was feeling miserable and dizzy. Grace has been going through this deathly screaming stage which seems to be what I have been waking up to for the last few weeks which adds to the "short and snappy mommy". All of this to say that we were all kinda bickering and not having a happy night together at all. Supper was rushed and if you know my husband at all you know that he is a TIME WARDEN!! Can't be late!! Anyway we were driving to church tonight at it hit me that the enemy was trying to keep us from going to church. I looked at Tory and said...it's spiritual ware fare! We are being attacked because the enemy is trying to keep us from going to church. So I started declaring that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour and I am a daughter of the King. And from Tory, to Kaehli, Ashley Grace to Cole we all out loud declared this! And instantly I felt a little more relaxed and a peace came over the van.
We got to church and the kids went to their classes, we took our seats with our Starbucks coffee in hand and waited. We had been anticipating this service all week. A Uganda preacher took the stage with our pastor and began to share his testimonies of delivering witches, and soldiers, Parliament leaders, and people. How these men and women use demonic powers to control people and the country. He shared how God told him to take back the land of Uganda. Even the government was scared of these witches who called on demons to give them powers, to burn houses down, kill people, sacrifice children, and worship Satan with alters and human sacrifices and other unclean things. He shared how the Holy Spirit speaks to him with knowledge and wisdom and how he has been used to heal God's children. He has been used to take back the land of Uganda and no witch or demon is stronger than the power of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many many people came to know our God in Uganda and even one of the witches that was delivered is in ministry now. He spoke over our little congregation, and called out healings that were happening then and there. He ended the service with asking if there was anyone who needed to rededicate their life to Christ, or for the first time give everything over to Christ. He asked those people to raise their hand, and then come up on stage. Over 30 people I would say came up! AMAZING! He told them how when he came to know Jesus, he gave his whole life and never looked back! He told these new Christians to do the same. We worshipped and celebrated together. It was powerful and amazing! God can work and is working in Uganda and God can work here!
I was so happy to have been in this service and wished it didn't have to end because of childcare. God is so amazing and I can't seem to get enough of Him and the testimonies of how he is working all across our nation to save His children. I hope one day I can go and witness for myself these wondrous works of the King. I hope I can be a light in this dark world.
But for now, I recognize that even here in the best place to live in the world we undergo spiritual attack because the enemy wants to rob, kill, steel, and destroy!! I choose to put on the full armor of God for me and my family. Tonight after we put the kids to bed my second daughter Ashley came up stairs weeping. She was so upset because she had a bad dream. It was literally minutes that she had been sleeping, so I thought maybe she was lying just to come out and procrastinate going to bed. I could tell instantly she wasn't lying because of how upset she was though. I said tell me what you dreamt Ashley. She couldn't tell me she said...it was too terrible. I told her that she had to tell me and say it so there would be no more darkness, for where there is light (by her telling me) there could not be darkness. Finally she started to tell me her dream. She slowly told me that there was a knock on her door and when she opened it, there was a..a...a...(she couldn't say it). What was it Ashley? She continued to cry...it's OK I told her. It was a...robber and he had a (really really crying now) a knife. I said Ashley was he coming to get you? Did he hurt you? No she shook her head...You momma he was coming to get you! I grabbed her and held her and hugged her tight and we prayed together out loud. She repeated after me
I am a child of the King Jesus Christ. I am protected and saved and loved by him. His powers are stronger than any other power. He protects my family. His blood washes me clean. He died for me. He loves my mommy and protects her. Nothing will happen to my family that isn't in God's will. ( I continued to pray over her, that her mind would be protected, that the holy spirit would fill her, our house and every room, that she would sleep well and know that we are safe and loved and protected). The enemy has no power here and he isn't going to rob or steel, destroy or kill anything!!!
Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the Devil. For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms. Use every piece of God's armor to resist the enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the sturdy belt of truth and the body armor of God's righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News, so that you will be fully prepared. In every battle you will need faith as your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray at all times and on every occasion in the power of the Holy Spirit. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all Christians everywhere. Ephesians 6:11-18
We got to church and the kids went to their classes, we took our seats with our Starbucks coffee in hand and waited. We had been anticipating this service all week. A Uganda preacher took the stage with our pastor and began to share his testimonies of delivering witches, and soldiers, Parliament leaders, and people. How these men and women use demonic powers to control people and the country. He shared how God told him to take back the land of Uganda. Even the government was scared of these witches who called on demons to give them powers, to burn houses down, kill people, sacrifice children, and worship Satan with alters and human sacrifices and other unclean things. He shared how the Holy Spirit speaks to him with knowledge and wisdom and how he has been used to heal God's children. He has been used to take back the land of Uganda and no witch or demon is stronger than the power of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many many people came to know our God in Uganda and even one of the witches that was delivered is in ministry now. He spoke over our little congregation, and called out healings that were happening then and there. He ended the service with asking if there was anyone who needed to rededicate their life to Christ, or for the first time give everything over to Christ. He asked those people to raise their hand, and then come up on stage. Over 30 people I would say came up! AMAZING! He told them how when he came to know Jesus, he gave his whole life and never looked back! He told these new Christians to do the same. We worshipped and celebrated together. It was powerful and amazing! God can work and is working in Uganda and God can work here!
I was so happy to have been in this service and wished it didn't have to end because of childcare. God is so amazing and I can't seem to get enough of Him and the testimonies of how he is working all across our nation to save His children. I hope one day I can go and witness for myself these wondrous works of the King. I hope I can be a light in this dark world.
But for now, I recognize that even here in the best place to live in the world we undergo spiritual attack because the enemy wants to rob, kill, steel, and destroy!! I choose to put on the full armor of God for me and my family. Tonight after we put the kids to bed my second daughter Ashley came up stairs weeping. She was so upset because she had a bad dream. It was literally minutes that she had been sleeping, so I thought maybe she was lying just to come out and procrastinate going to bed. I could tell instantly she wasn't lying because of how upset she was though. I said tell me what you dreamt Ashley. She couldn't tell me she said...it was too terrible. I told her that she had to tell me and say it so there would be no more darkness, for where there is light (by her telling me) there could not be darkness. Finally she started to tell me her dream. She slowly told me that there was a knock on her door and when she opened it, there was a..a...a...(she couldn't say it). What was it Ashley? She continued to cry...it's OK I told her. It was a...robber and he had a (really really crying now) a knife. I said Ashley was he coming to get you? Did he hurt you? No she shook her head...You momma he was coming to get you! I grabbed her and held her and hugged her tight and we prayed together out loud. She repeated after me
I am a child of the King Jesus Christ. I am protected and saved and loved by him. His powers are stronger than any other power. He protects my family. His blood washes me clean. He died for me. He loves my mommy and protects her. Nothing will happen to my family that isn't in God's will. ( I continued to pray over her, that her mind would be protected, that the holy spirit would fill her, our house and every room, that she would sleep well and know that we are safe and loved and protected). The enemy has no power here and he isn't going to rob or steel, destroy or kill anything!!!
Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the Devil. For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms. Use every piece of God's armor to resist the enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the sturdy belt of truth and the body armor of God's righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News, so that you will be fully prepared. In every battle you will need faith as your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray at all times and on every occasion in the power of the Holy Spirit. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all Christians everywhere. Ephesians 6:11-18
I didn't put this in my post, but I still wanted to share it. I have a new understanding of why we need to pray for our Government now and why God asks us in his word to pray for them. This Uganda preacher told us story after story of how they prayed and needed the government to help them get to these ungodly alters because they would not be able to get to them to break them down otherwise. Only God could use a sistuation to show these high up government officials to let a preacher go into areas where any person who did would die! They would say to him, if you can bring in "this" witch, we will beleive you because we can't. So the Uganda preacher did! And some of the government officials believed and came to know Christ because they saw what God's power could do and that it was stronger than the powers of darkness! He is meeting with Parliament to teach them how to pray now! Isn't that amazing! I get it God! I will pray for our government!
ReplyDeleteWhoa! God is amazing and his power is greater than the enemy of our souls. The blessing over the women at Daybreak was awsome! "Keep praying moms!" We must and we will. Your children are blessed to have you for a mom.