That's TODAY! Ash Wednesday! 40 days before Jesus was resurrected from the dead. Hmmm...what does that mean to me? What does that mean to you? Well from the research I have been doing apparently for the last 2000 years Christians have practiced Lent. Lent is a 40 day season to prepare our hearts for Easter. To remember what Christ did for us on the Cross. Lent means Fast. Why 40 days and why fast you may be asking. Jesus fasted for 40 days in the desert, so the season of Lent represents those 40 days where he was tempted, fasted and prayed. Lent is a time where we can examine ourselves, and give up something of value something that is important for those 40 days, in remembrance of the sacrifice Jesus made for us. He spent 40 days in the desert preparing for His ministry and to face temptation. (Matthew 4)
From what I can tell from researching, the 40 days does not include Sundays because Sundays are a mini celebration of the Resurrection, a celebration of Jesus victory over sin and death. So the season of Lent is actually 46 days. I like that idea!
All week I will be thinking about my Jesus every time I am tempted for a Tea. YES I said tea! I have a wonderful green tea with pomegranate or mango every day with a tbs of honey. Mmmmmm!!! Sometimes I have two! So for the season of Lent I am going to fast my tea, in order to prepare my heart for Easter. And on Sundays I think I will have a tea and celebrate with my family that the Resurrection day is coming! What a wonderful way to get excited about the work Jesus did, about his ministry, about his sad and devastating death, and about the celebration of the empty tomb, His precious blood that washed me clean, and His amazing love for the Father and for ME!
I want to show my children that they too can seek the Lord and will find Him. They can participate in Lent with mommy, and we can celebrate together too!! My heart longs for them to really know Him at an early age.
I encourage you to search your heart and ask the Lord what you may sacrifice for Him, because He has sacrificed so much for you. May you be blessed as you seek Him, and find Him. May he wash His amazing love over you. May you find JOY in celebrating with Christians everywhere this season of Lent. May Jesus soften your heart and fill you to over flowing as you give time to Him and prepare for Easter.
Then Jesus was lead out into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted there by the Devil. For forty days and forty nights he ate nothing and became very hungry. then the Devil came and said to him, "if you are the Son of God, change these stones into loaves of bread." But Jesus said "NO! The scriptures say, People need more than bread for their life; they MUST feed on EVERY WORD OF GOD". Matthew 4:1-4
Happy Ash Wednesday!