Much to say and learning how to put it to words...

Much to say and learning how to put it to words...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Happy Ending...with a shovel!

Long day at the office trying to get things all caught up so we can sneak away as a family this weekend. Good thing I have left over pasta sauce from last night, just have to boil some noodles for supper right?!

After work I had to take Grace to music, and then I called Kaehli on the way home to get her going on supper. This is how our conversation went...

Kaehli can you take out the pot I used last night and fill it full of water, put it on high to boil? Then set the table and call me ok? A few minutes go by...

Hi mom, I took the "green" pot out of the fridge, filled it full of water and turned the stove on high. (I am starting to feel my heart beat faster) Kaehli you don't mean the “green” crock pot in the fridge that was full of pasta sauce do you? She says " said the pot from last night". TURN everything off! Don't touch anything else. I will be right home!

Uggg! Not only do I have to figure out supper now, I have a huge mess to clean up and a meal or two is garbage! It’s now almost 6pm and I have to leave again by 6:50.

I can feel the battle going on in my head as I drive the rest of the way home. How can I NOT lose it when I get home, how can I handle this maturely? How can I just let this slide like water off a ducks back??? This can go one of two ways...

I drove in the yard (a little too fast) to find Tory, Cole and Ashley working hard in the yard cleaning up firewood and digging in the huge garden bed that I need all the clay dug out of. I stormed in the house, stormed by Kaehli, stormed around some more, stormed to the bathroom and dumped the very watered down pasta sauce (that was more water than sauce) down the toilet. No apology from Kaehli, no “can I help clean up”, not a peep. Later she told me she knew I was mad so she stayed away.

I came up with plan B for supper (Burgers and perogies), Did I mention Tory said “I looked mad”?, did the dishes and left for the third trip back to town, haircuts for Grace and Cole.

As I sat and had time to think while each kid had their special time in the chair I wonder how the last 2 hours just happened. I told myself I wanted to just let this go, yet I didn’t. I was cranky, and mad and probably looked more like a two year old having a tantrum than anything else. Sighhh

I decided I owed everyone an apology so off to Jack’s Drive In we went to bring Ice-cream treats home for everyone! As I pulled in the yard, I found my husband working in the dark with tractor lights on still digging in my dirt, my new garden bed!!! Let me tell you was I humbled! AND was I ever glad I brought home ice-cream!!! I apologized for my bad attitude to Tory, thanked him for his hard work, thanked the kids for helping in the yard, and asked my 12 year old if we could be friends. I told her I was sorry for making her think I was mad at her, I wasn’t really, just frustrated with the situation. She very willingly accepted, gave me a huge hug and had a huge smile taking her Oreo Jack frost!

This long story to tell you the day ended with a shovel, ice cream and one big happy family! Thanks God for little lessons that keep me humble and thank you for a hardworking husband and kids who love me despite my tantrums!!!

-Full Heart-


  1. Wow. Made me cry. I am so proud of you.
    Much love ALWAYS. your momma

  2. AWW....I'm proud of you too Shawna.
