There once was a little girl who sat alone on Christmas day. Her mother was an alcoholic sick on the couch with pnemonia. Her mother slept on and off all day. The little girl sat on the floor by the tree and looked at her pile of gifts to open, and longed to share it with her mother. She sat there alone and opened each special treasure and quietly played. This was a very sad Christmas for the little 9 year old. She wished she had a mother instead of all the gifts that day. They were alone, isolated from all of there family and there was nothing to celebrate and no one to share it with that Christmas.
20 years later I sit here and tell you this story because I want to share what Christmas means to me. The first Christmas I had as a Christian was so powerful. I will never forget the first Christmas Carol I sung. Tears swept down my face because for the first time I knew why I sung them, I knew why the words on the screen said "oh come let us adore Him"...I was there to remember who I was before my relationship with Christ...of what He did for me...where I would be with out him. I could barely sing I was so emotional.
I could be dead, I could be an alcoholic, I could be a drug addic, I could be abused, I could be...I could be...I could be...BUT I'M NOT!
I am free! I am loved! I am forgiven! I am adopted into the family of the King! I am a dearly beloved daughter of our God! I am saved! I was chosen! ME!
Oh so much to say...how can I put into words what the Lord has done?
What my God offers is life, breath, a family, love, I will never be alone again! Praise be to God!
My mother and I have come so far! Look at her picture! She also has been given all of the gifts Our God offers...and all of them are for free! We have a beautiful relationship now, she has a husband who loves her, and 4 grandkids too. This christmas we will remember how much we have, and where we came from. We will remember that our Jesus was born to save us. We will celebrate with family and friends. We will cherish the relationships we have, we will love on our friends and neighbors and our families. We will remember we had nothing to celebrate once apon a time, but not this year! I am celebrating CHRIST and what he has done for my family.
Shawna, i wanted to let you know that i printed off your story and read it to the children with their advent devotional tonight - we have so much to thank God for, and your story put it all into perspective for me.
ReplyDeleteWhat a Great God we have! You have an amazing story Shawna, thank you for sharing!