9 am this morning I had my teeth cleaned...everything looked good I was even asked if I whiten my teeth which I don't but would like to. There really isn't anything comfortable about getting your teeth cleaned. The metal tools, the scrapping, the poking with a very sharp poky thing up into your gums to check your bone, the sound of your spit being sucked up a tube along with half your lips when you close them, the floss going between your teeth into a part of your gums, pushing back and forth making them bleed (somehow this is very good for them), oh and I can't forget the X-Ray pieces of paper that you have to bite on! Bite down they say! Well when it digs into your gum under your tongue you should stop...nope a little more...hold it...OK good. Now, stick this Styrofoam mouth guard covered in wet foam that tastes like medicated bubblegum in your mouth. My already big lips now almost touching my nose, blue Styrofoam touching the back of my throat, and foam draining down my chin...oh now add that suction tube between the shmoz of lips, Styrofoam and bubblegum foam. Sit 2-3 minutes. Done! Yeah! Hurray!
Nope the doctor said I need to have a tooth looked at because there is some discoloration and may have decay under the enamel. This same tooth showed up last year at my check up too but then it wasn't really a problem. This year there is a change in it enough that they want to fill it. GREAT! So I go to the front to make an appointment...how about now the next guy isn't coming in till 11. Well...OK I guess. So back into the room I go. This time I get the funky glasses and head phones to watch t.v. in comes the Dr...some numbing cream on the back of my jaw...couple pokes....HEART RACING, SHAKING, SWEATING...sit up have to take off my sweater, sunglasses, headphones...can't swallow...breath...breath....Shawna this is normal it is adrenaline from the needles pumping threw your body and will be over in about 3-5 minutes. Fewwwww! Sure enough other than shaking hands my heart slowed back down and I was OK. On went the plastic guard that pushes your lips as wide as humanly possible and after a bunch of horrible high pitched squealing and sucking sounds I was done.
I could not wait to get out of that office. I am pretty sure I would rather give birth than do the following two things. 1. slam my thumb in my husbands truck door and have to use my other hand to open the door to get it out. 2. Have a crazy adrenaline panic attack on a Thur morning not to mention several needles in my mouth. But with that said, the last time I gave birth was almost 5 years ago and I have been told that may not be an accurate statement.
Rushing down the stairs I flung open the door...and...A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! I LOVE this time of year!!!!!! I can't explain to you how my heart started to race in a totally different way. I got in the van, sat down, took in a huge deep breath and sat for a second. (don't forget I am totally numb to the tops of my ears, talk like I have had a major stroke, and have lips that look like I was punched out) The sun is shinning so bright today, and it was warm on my face. I love that feeling, it fills me up to the top! I could hear the water running down the man holes, I could almost see the snow melting...I could smell spring in the air! I love it! It brings an excitement to my day that gives me a longing to see the garden centers open at Superstore and Canadian Tire or Home Depot. I know that soon I will see sprigs of green grass start to show up amongst all the brown beat down grass. I know that soon I will hear my precious chickadee singing SPPPPPPPRRRRRRRINNNNNNNNNGSSSSS HEAAAAAAAAAARRRRR! Do you know that song? I know that soon I will have a dozen or so kids ringing my door bell...Can the kids come out and play? I know that soon I will be able to sit on my front step and read Friday's paper b/c the sun will be so warm there. I know that soon I will be putting away the winter clothes and out will come the kids new spring jackets from Costco that they got for Valentines Day and rubber boots! I know that soon I will see swollen buds on my Chokecherry and Mayday, apple, and Aspen trees...a sure tell sign that springs really here! I know that soon I will see little freckles on my kids noses b/c the sun is just that much stronger. I know that soon I will be able to work the soil just enough to stick my sweet peas in the ground! I know that soon all the winter blues will wash away with a spring rain. I know that soon....funny how my dentist's name is Dr.Soon. Ha!
What a crazy morning and what a blessed morning! God you give such good gifts! My tooth is done and my swollen face will recover with in few hours, and you have given me such a beautiful picture of spring today that I will hold on to with anticipation and excitement for the weeks to come!
Thank you God for a BEAUTIFUL day! Thank you for the excitement and anticipation of something new! A new season is on it's way and there isn't anything that can stop it! Thank you so much for loving me lord, I'm in love with the King and it makes my heart want to sing!
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